Sierra Native Alliance (SNA) offers a variety of culturally-based programs to meet the needs and interests of developing youth and young adults. SNA youth programs help build positive social connections, strengthen resilience, and reduce risk of depression, substance use, and self-harm.

  • Youth Leadership
  • Wellness Groups
  • Mentoring & Advocacy
  • White Bison- 12 Steps for Youth

Youth Wellness Groups

SNA Youth Wellness groups support healthy social and emotional development for youth. Wellness education is facilitated through activity and play-based learning based on cultural teachings and skills. Youth groups help build supportive relationships among peers to feel safer and more connected in school environments. Juniors Group (ages 5-10) meets Tuesdays from 4-5pm, Youth Leadership (ages 14-18) meets Wednesday from 4:30-6pm Youth Mentors (ages 11-13) meets Thursdays from 4-5:30pm. Youth groups also take field trips throughout the year to local sites for cultural education, fun activities, and interesting events. Transportation available on request.

Youth Leadership

SNA sponsors Teen Leadership groups and activities to promote the development of cultural skills and community involvement. Youth Leadership groups meet on Wednesdays, from 4:30-6:00 at the SNA Cultural Education Center, 610 Auburn Ravine Road, Suite D in Auburn. Using the Native Wellness Institute Youth Leadership curriculum, the groups build upon leadership skills and values. The program provides opportunities to attend and assist with community events, awareness campaigns and cultural preservation activities. Peer Advocates also contribute to the health of the community by conducting community surveys, designing and distributing peer prevention messages, and participate in policy making to promote the health equity among their peers. See youth leadership activity video below.

Youth Advocacy

Advocates support youth involved with child welfare, juvenile justice and/or education support services. SNA provides peer support and advocacy for youth and their parents to increase understanding of rights and the resources needed for youth to thrive. Advocates provide support for court dates and Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings, and assist with coordination of services from multiple sources to help youth and their families to be successful in achieving their wellness goals. Advocacy extends to older youth (ages 18-24) to support youth throughout the transition to adulthood.

Youth White Bison- Substance Use Education

The Youth White Bison group provides substance use education and relapse prevention skills using the Youth White Bison- Medicine Wheel 12-Steps curriculum. This group increases awareness of the impact of substance use on the developing mind and bodies of teens. Facilitators help youth explore attraction to substance use, the role that this plays in maintaining social and emotional health, and presents tools and alternatives for reducing substance use during the teen years. The Youth White Bison group is currently facilitated in person Mondays from 6-7:30pm under by a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor.

Transportation for youth programs can be arranged at request. Please contact Yasmine Acuna for more information at (530) 863-8170.

Office located at 610 Auburn Ravine Road, Suite D, Auburn CA