Because of the historical experiences of tribal communities, American Indian/Alaska Native communities currently have the highest rates of mental health distress, substance use and suicide in the nation. In 2022, Native people reported experiencing serious psychological distress, including Post Traumatic Stress, at a rate 2.5 times higher than the general population.
With nearly 20% of American Indian/Alaska Native adults living with mental health disabilities, and Native youth having the highest rate of suicide, it is time to TAKE ACTION to reduce mental health stigma in Native communities. Due for factors, such as fear of judgement around mental health and/or substance use concerns, Native people behavioral health care at rates 30% lower than the general population. Ongoing violence towards our communities in the form of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women adds daily to the unresolved grief and loss we experience.
It is time to let our relatives know that it is okay to acknowledge and seek the supports and services needed to reduce distress and return to wellness. Be The Change You Want to See– take action to reduce mental health stigma in Native communities.